Downtown Calgary Acupuncture
Evolve Chiropractic & Wellness is pleased to offer downtown Calgary Acupuncture clients the practice of Acupuncture. Acupuncture is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has a history of approximately 2,500 years of successfully diagnosing, treating and preventing illness.
At Evolve Chiropractic & Wellness Dr. Ryan Macdonald & Dr. Amanda Perizzolo are pleased to offer our patients the benefits of this treatment service as they are both Certified Acupuncture Providers.
Patients are often curious about this practice as it relates to downtown Calgary residents. Acupuncture is the practice of piercing the body with thin, sterile needles at specific acupuncture sites throughout the body.
According to the Chinese, energy channels run in regular patterns throughout the body, and our overall well-being is dependent on a balanced and smooth flow of energy throughout these meridians. Deficiencies, blockages or imbalances in energy, blood or nervous impulses may eventually lead to a decline in well-being or an assortment of illnesses. A variety of factors can disturb the flow of energy, such as disease, stress, anxiety, fear, poor nutrition, infections or injury. Inserting acupuncture needles in sites along these meridians can stimulate the nervous system and circulation, and re-establish a smooth and balanced flow through the meridians.
The goal of downtown Calgary Acupuncture is to treat the whole person, restoring balance in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the inpidual.
Although often described as an effective means of pain management, Acupuncture is a method of treating a wide variety medical conditions and syndromes. These include PMS, TMJ, M.S., Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis, strokes, vertigo, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Asthma and Sinusitis, as well as pain management and control. Downtown Calgary Acupuncture also treats difficulties arising from emotional and social problems, such as weight control, smoking and addictions, insomnia, stress, anxiety, tension and fatigue.
Dr. Amanda Perizzolo specializes in downtown Calgary Acupuncture for the following: Insomnia, anxiety, stress, PSTS, depression, migraines, chronic pain, muscle and joint pain, Sciatic pain, intestinal gastritis, cold and flu symptoms, women's health, fertility and weight loss.
Acupuncture is an external, all-natural, drug-free therapy offering little danger of infection from acupuncture needles because they are sterile and disposable. Relatively few complications from the use of acupuncture have ever been reported.
At Evolve Chiropractic & Wellness, their dedicated and highly skilled doctors, therapists and staff are committed to providing exceptional natural health care to patients, families, friends and communities. It is their goal to help you on your personal journey to achieve optimal health and the potential to enjoy life to the fullest!
The downtown Calgary Acupuncture Centre believes that a multidisciplinary approach to a patient's wellness will produce ideal results. Their method is not typical; they provide extended treatment times, one-on-one visits and multiple treatment modalities. Through an inpidually based, hands-on approach, rapid healing is encouraged, with the achievement of optimal results.
The downtown Calgary Acupuncture Centre invites you to discuss your questions and any possible concerns with them directly, as they are happy to address them all. Please call Evolve Chiropractic & Wellness at 403-474-7792 to set up a new patient appointment.
Downtown Calgary Acupuncture